
Aug 8, 2011

Cara mudah membuat akun google adsense 100% berhasil.

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Aug 5, 2011

10 Resep kue khas lebaran terlaris,cocok untuk bisnis

Lebaran sebentar lagi..Nah disini saya akan membagikan resep-resep kue kering khas lebaran,semoga bermanfaat buat anda.
Resep kue kering Putri Salju Bahan:
175 gram margarin
3 kuning telur
100 gram keju edam parut
1/4 sendok teh garam
175 gram tepung terigu, ayak 30 gram tepung maizena Untuk taburan
350 gram gula bubuk Cara membuat Kue Putri Salju adalah sebagai berikut 1. Siapkan loyang pipih, olesi dengan margarin, sisihkan
2. Kocok margarin hingga mengembang, masukkan telur dan terus kocok hingga mengembang
3. Masukkan tepung terigu, maizena, aduk rata, tambahkan keju edam dan garam, aduk rata hingga menjadi adonan yang dapat dibentuk
4. Ambil satu sendok teh adonan. bentuk bola, taruh di atas loyang, beri jarak
5. Panggang dalam oven dengan temperatur 160 derajat celcius selama 15 menit hingga matang
6. Dinginkan, taburi dan lumuri dengan gula bubuk, hingga seluruh bagian kue tertutup gula, simpan dalam stoples kedap udara. Untuk 400 gram Resep kue kering Kering Nastar Selai Nanas - kue kering
lebaran lengkap komplit Bahan:
tepung terigu 250 gram
tepung maizena 25 gram
susu bubuk 1 sendok makan
mentega 175 gram
gula halus 50 gram telur 4 butir, 3 untuk adonan, dan 1 untuk olesan
cengkeh 50 gram, untuk hiasan Bahan selai nanas:
nanas 1/2 buah, parut
gula pasir 100 gram
garam 1/2 sendok teh cara membuat kue kering nastar selai nanas adalah sebagai berikut
1. Selai nanas = rebus nanas parut, gula pasir, kayu manis, dan garam hingga agak mengering, aduk hingga berbentuk selai.
2. Nastar = campur tepung terigu, tepung maizena, dan susu bubuk lalu ayak. kocok mentega, gula halus, dan kuning telur hingga lembut
3. Campurkan semua adonan, aduk rata menggunakan spatula hingga adonan bisa dibentuk.
4. Ambil adonan, bentuk bulatan yang diisi selai nanas. hiasi atasnya dengan cengkeh lalu olesi dengan kuning telur
5. Letakkan di atas loyang yang sudah diolesi margarin secukupnya, panggang selama 25 menit. makanan ini cukup untuk 33 buah. Resep kue kering Kering Lidah Kucing Bahan Kue Kering Lidah Kucing:
250 gram margarin
150 gram gula halus
1/2 sendok teh vanili bubuk
250 gram tepung terigu
5 putih telur kocok hingga kaku
makanan ini cukup untuk 21 buah. Cara membuatnya:
1. Panaskah oven dengan temperatur 160 derajat celcius dan loyang pipih atau loyang khusus lidah kucing, olesi dengan margarin, sisihkan
2. KOcok margarin bersama gula halus hingga lembut, masukkan vanili bubuk dan tepung terigu, aduk rata.
3. Campur adonan dengan putih telur yang telah dikocok
kaku, aduk rata.
4. MAsukkan adonan ke dalam plastik segi tiga, potong
ujungnya sedikit dan semprotkan kue ke loyang, panggang selama 15 menit hingga kecokelatan dan matang, angkat.
5. Dinginkan dan simpan dalam stoples kedap udara.
Bidaran Keju Telur Gabus Keju - resep kue lebaran Resep yang satu ini selalu di jadikan sajian hari raya, maupun sebagai cemilan harian. Rasanya yang asin bikin kita tidak pernah merasa bosan untuk memakan nya.
Oleh karena itu aneka Resep bidaran keju, baik yang berbahan dasar tepung terigu maupun tepung ketan, dan rasanyapun nikmat Bahan:
-125 gr tepung tapioka
-2 butir telur ayam
-200 gram keju edam parut
-garam secukupnya
-minyak untuk menggoreng Cara membuat:
-kocok telur hinggb mengembang.
-masukkan tepung tapioka, aduk rata.
-tambahkan keju dan garam, aduk rata.
-pilin adonan, masukkan dalam minyak goreng dingin.
-panas kan minyak, goreng dg
api sedang sambil sesekali di aduk hingga terapung dan kecoklatan.
-angkat, tiriskan. Resep kue kering Bidaran karamel Kue Telur Gabus Karamel Kue Telur Belanak - Sajian kue lebaran Bahan:
-4 butir telur
-300 gr tepung tapioka
-garam secukupnya
-1 sdm gula halus
-1/2 sdt air kapur sirih -minyak utk menggoreng
-lapisan: 3 sdm gula pasir, 1 sdt
gula merah sisir, 2 sdm air, Cara Membuat:
-kocok telur hingga mengembang. Masukkan semua bahan, aduk rata.
-pilin adonan, masukkan dalam minyak goreng dingin.
-masak dg api sedang hingga adonan terapung. Angkat, tiriskan.
-campur semua bahan lapisan, masak hingga menidih dan dan benar2 kental.
-masukkan adonan telur gabus, aduk terus hingga adonan terlapisi seluruhnya. Angkat, sajikan. Resep kue kering Bangkit Keju - Resep kue lebaran sederhana simple mudah Bahan:
-100 gr blue band
-300 gr sagu tani
-50 gr gula halus
-1 butir kuning telur
-2 1/2 gr susu encer -50 gr keju parut. Cara membuat:
-kocok blue band dan gula halus.
-tambahkan kuning telur, aduk.
-tambahkan susu encer, aduk.
-tambahkan keju parut, aduk.
-tambahkan sagu tani, aduk.
-cetak, panggang. Tips: agar lebih menarik, boleh di taburi keju diatasnya. Kue Bangkit Susu untuk Hari Raya Idul Fitri Bahan:
-4 gelas sagu
-1 gelas tepung terigu
-1 kaleng susu kental manis putih/coklat
-2 butir kuning telur
-3 sdm mentega
-1/2 sdt soda kue
-2 bungkus vanili cara membuat:
-susu di kocok sampai cair.
-masukkan telur, mentega, vanili dan soda kue. Aduk rata.
-masukkan sagu dan tepung, aduk rata.
-cetak sesuai selera.
-panggang sampai matang dengan api sedang. Resep kue kering Bawang Renyah
- 1000 gr tepung kanji/sagu
- 250 gr tepung terigu
- 6 batang seledri, iris halus
- 50 gr bawang merah, giling halus
- 100 gr bawang putih, giling halus
- 2 bungkus masako ayam
- 3 butir telur, kocok lepas
- 1 sendok makan garam halus
- 1 sendok teh penyedap rasa (ajinomoto)
- 700 ml air
- 3 sendok makan margarin/ mentega Cara Membuat:
- larutkan terigu dengan air, tambahkan seledri, bawang putih, bawang merah, masako, telur kocok, garam, penyedap rasa, dan margarin, masak pada api sedang hingga adonan mengental.
- pindahkan adonan terigu ke wajan, tambahkan sagu, adon hingga adonan kalis.
- ambil sedikit adonan, bulatkan dengan diameter ± 7 cm.
-giling adonan dengan menggunakan cetakan kue bawang (ampia)dengan ketebalan sesuai selera.
- potong adonan dengan panjang 5 cm.
- giling pada cetakan mie (kwetiau)
- goreng pada minyak panas hingga warna kuning kecoklatan, tiriskan, angkat.
- simpan pada wadah kering dan tertutup rapat (stoples) tips: agar kue bawang bertambah lezatnya, pada adonan dapat ditambahkan 50 gram wijen yang telah disangrai. Resep kue kering semporong
Bahan A: 4 btr telur
150 gr gula pasir
1 sdt cake emulsifier Bahan B: 150 gr tepung terigu
2 sdm tepung sagu
1 sdt baking powder
1 sdm susu bubuk Bahan C: 100 gr margarine, leleh Cara Membuat: 1. Kocok bahan A hingga mengembang dan kental, masukkan bahan B aduk rata, lalu tuangi bahan C, aduk balik hingga rata.
2. Panaskan cetakan Egg Roll (lipat segita or gulung ), tuang 1 sdm adonan dibagian tengah, segera tutup cetakan dan biarkan lk. 5 menit hingga adonan matang.
3. Buka cetakan, lalu gulung cake dengan bantuan sumpit. Angkat biarkan dingin, lepaskan dari sumpit. Lakukan
hingga adonan habis.
4. Kemas dalam toples rapat. Resep kue kering Crispy Chocolate Cookies
2 Putih Telur
125 gr Gula Kaster
35 gr Cornflakes, hancurkan
125 gr Dark Coklat, serut 2 sdm coklat bubuk untuk taburan
Cara Membuat:
1. Seperti Kaki Kambing Cuma dicetak pake sendok.
2. Setelah matang taburkan coklat bubuk. Resep kue kering Chocolate Cornflakes Cookies Bahan: 1 sdm kulit jeruk parut
60 gr coco crunch
60 gr sultana
25 gr kacang almond, cincang kasar
125 gr mentega, cairkan
90 gr gula kaster
1 telur
125 gr terigu
65 gr cornflakes, hancurkan kasar
80 gr dark coklat, lelehkan Cara Membuat: 1. Campurkan kulit jeruk parut, coco crunch, sultana dan kacang almond. 2. Dengan menggunakan mixer, campur mentega dan gula sampai rata, tambahkan telur kocok sampai mengembang. 3. Campurkan buah-buahan kedalam adonan kue, aduk rata. 4. Bentuk sesuai kenginan, lalu balurkan kedalam cornflakes. 5. Setelah matang, glasur dengan coklat. Resep kue kering Cinnamon Cookies
Ingredients :
* 2 tablespoons sugar
* 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
* 2/3 cup packed brown sugar
* 1/2 cup butter, softened
* 1 egg
* 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
* 1 teaspoon vanilla
* 2 1/2 cups Bisquick baking mix
Directions :
1. Heat oven to 375 degrees.
2. Mix sugar and 1/2 tsp cinnamon; reserve.
3. Mix brown sugar, butter, egg, 2 tsp cinnamon, and the vanilla.
4. Stir in baking mix.
5. Drop dough by rounded teaspoonfuls about 2″ apart onto ungreased
cookie sheet.
6. Flatten with glass dipped in reserved sugar-cinnamon mixture.
7. Bake until edges are light brown, 8 to 10 minutes.

Aug 4, 2011

The coke vs pepsi battle

Coke vs Pepsi: The ultimate battle of two major players competing for the top spot in a massive global market. The cola and carbonated beverage industry reaches to virtually all corners of the planet, and the vast majority of the market share belongs to the two giants Coke and Pepsi. With such a huge market and enormous revenue potential in an industry such as this, it is no wonder that the Coke vs Pepsi competition is so fierce. When it comes Coke vs Pepsi, nearly everyone has a preference or an opinion about which one is better. There is really no arguing the fact that the two soft drinks are very similar in terms of flavor . The flavor difference between them is subtle at most, so it is interesting that so may people have such strong feelings about which one is superior. Global market analysis on the cola industry shows that Coke typically has a slight advantage over Pepsi in market share. In some regions Pepsi is winning the war, however overall it seems that more people are choosing Coke versus Pepsi. Looking at a wide range of data shows that Coke owns somewhere between 40-43% of the US market, while Pepsi gets in the neighborhood of 30%. Of course different studies will produce different results so it is difficult to get a truly accurate picture. The one thing that is certain is that Coke and Pepsi continue to blow away any other form of competition. The cola wars are truly a two horse race. Coke vs Pepsi blind taste tests have also proven unsuccessful in determining a clear cut winner. Both companies have used them, as well as independents.The results are typically very even , with about half the votes going to both Pepsi and Coke. What is interesting to note is that in a Coke vs Pepsi blind taste tests the voting results are almost always 50/50 split, however prior to the test significantly more people will state that prefer Coke. Does this mean that Coke does a better job marketing than Pepsi? It almost seems that way . If the results are evenly split and many people can't even distinguish between the taste of the two colas, why do so many more people claim to prefer Coke over Pepsi? When you order a cola in a restaurant without knowing if they serve Coke or Pepsi, which one will you order? This is purely subjective and based only on my personal experience , but it seems as though Coke is the "go to request". I believe that more people will order a Coke, and then if the restaurant serves Pepsi they will be asked if Pepsi is ok. It is almost as though the name Coke is a replacement for the word cola in many cases. That says a lot about how effectively Coke has branded themselves . Coke vs Pepsi: All About Taste? Being colas, Coke and Pepsi definitely taste very similar. Many people cannot even tell them apart if they don't know which one they are drinking. However there are other people who are very adamant in their preference of either Pepsi or Coke. Some say that Pepsi is sweeter , others feel that Coke has a crisper flavor so they like it better. Some prefer the aftertaste of one over the other. There are even those who prefer one brand when drinking from a can and the other from a bottle. Most people find it more difficult to tell them apart when they are served as a fountain drink in a restaurant. It's all about your own personal taste. Or is it? Both Coke and Pepsi spend untold amounts of money in marketing and trying to create an emotional tie between their products and consumers. This ranges from the image they try to portray through their advertising , to sponsoring sporting and music events , TV shows , and so on. It seems as though in general, Pepsi targets their marketing to the younger generations and tries to brand themselves as the beverage of choice for them. Remember their slogan "The choice of a new generation"? When I think of a Pepsi ad I think of the Britney Spears Superbowl commercial. It seems as though Coke on the other hand aims their marketing towards our nostalgic side. Almost as though Coke is an emotional connection to our youth or the good old days . This would definitely be an effective marketing tactic towards the middle-age and older generations. There are two campaigns that come to mind when I think about Coke advertising . The first is the classic "I'd like to buy the world a Coke" jingle. The second is the Santa Clause themed commercials they use around the holidays . Both appeal to our sentimental sides and this seems to be an approach they like to take . Just consider the huge popularity of retro Coke merchandise and memorabilia if you doubt that their advertising can tug on the heart strings. The actual Coke is a large part of that. Marketing and advertising are an integral part of the cola wars between Coke vs Pepsi. Both Coke and Pepsi are smart enough to know that the beverage we choose to purchase may not always be based strictly on taste preference. It may be more subliminal than that. The fact that people can have such a strong preference between two such similar products shows how important and effective marketing is. There are of course those who really do favor the taste of either Coke or Pepsi, but you have to wonder how large of a role people's sub-conscious emotional connection to their favorite cola plays into their choice. Both Coke and Pepsi are big time spenders when it comes to sponsoring sporting events , music events , TV shows and other high profile happenings. They realize that this can play a big role in the product selection with members of these audiences. You'll notice that most of the events they choose to sponsor are highly emotional such as the Super Bowl or American Idol. This is no accident as an emotional connection to their products is what they are looking to create. If you have an opinion in the Coke vs Pepsi debate, do you really think that it is based solely on taste, or are there other emotional factors involved ? A pivotal aspect of the Coke vs Pepsi battle has to do with where their products are available . Think about restaurants for instance. Restaurants , stadiums, airlines, and other businesses will typically offer either Coke or Pepsi products, not both. So securing contracts with within these industries to feature their line of products is very important for the market share of Coke and Pepsi. Much research also goes into the strategy of vending machine placement and often contracts regarding that. In some locations both Coke and Pepsi will have vending machines, whereas other times there may be a contract involved guaranteeing one company sole placement. It even goes right down to schools. Coke and Pepsi know that marketing to youth means long term business, and having vending machines in schools serves this purpose. The battle for your cola choice has been going on for years and it isn't about to slow down . It's a huge market with customers spanning the entire globe and from all age groups and economic classes. Of all the corporate battles for market share in various industries, Coke vs Pepsi is probably the main draw. From which one tastes better to whose television commercials are more entertaining, almost everyone has an opinion. And it's not just strictly to do with cola either. Both companies feature a wide range of competing products from diet cola to flavored sodas to sport and energy drinks. Tell us what you think. Do you prefer Coke or Pepsi?. Coke vs Pepsi….the battle rages on, cast your vote today! About the author : Do you have an opinion on the best tasting product, the coolest ads, or which company to like better? Come vote and share your opinion here: Coke vs Pepsi What are the top selling soft drinks in America? Find out here: America's Favorite Soft D